Welcome To XTables XTables (C)1997-2003 Peter Chapman XTables is a simple times tables tester suitable for children. To Install: - If the disk is in Drive A, type Install at the Command Prompt - If the disk is in Drive B, type InstallB at the Command Prompt XTables requires: - IBM PC or compatible - MS-DOS (Should work on most versions, but untested), MS-DOS 3.1 Recomended OR - pc/OS 5.1 - In theory 160KB free memory, but not properly tested - 320KB Recomended - 92KB Disk space for DOS - 8KB Disk space for pc/OS 5 (Add an extra two kilobytes for installation of the Read Me file. - 8086/88 or later CPU - 16 color video card - CGA, EGA or VGA (recommeded) - Monitor capable of 40X25 lines of text XTables is also avaliable for: - Windows 3.1 - Windows 95/NT - Amiga (Only tested on Amiga A500 Running Workbench and KickStart 1.3) - Macintosh Running System 6 or Lower NOTES: In have only tested the memory requirements using Windows Protected Mode. DISASSEMBLY IS PROHIBITED. For more information/free technical support, email DukeSpukem@Hotmail.com